
COVID-19 Testing Management and Distribution System

The National Institute of Public Health (INSP) is a public scientific and technological establishment, created by law N°2019-023/AN of July 3 ratifying ordinance N°2019-011/P-RM of March 27, creating the National Institute of Public Health (INSP).

It has legal personality with administrative and financial management autonomy.

It is the result of the merger of the former research structures of the Ministry of Health, bringing together the National Institute for Public Health Research (INRSP), the Center for Research and Documentation for Child Survival (CREDOS), the National Food Safety Agency (ANSSA) and the National Disease Control Support Center (CNAM), which includes independent units, namely the Vaccine Development Center (CVD), the Center influenzae, Center for Pharmacovigilance and Department of Emergency Operations (DOUSP).

As part of the automation of the testing process for COVID-19, but above all to avoid test certificate fraud (several False Tests having been detected), DOUCSOFT was chosen by the INSP to set up a management system for the entire testing process, from customer registration to delivery of the COVID-19 test. In addition to the management system, NNIYETT also integrates a COVID test monitoring and control system.

  • Client
    National Institute of Public Health (INSP)
  • Budget
  • Duration
    06 Months

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